Around the world, flight attendants routinely use the plane's public address system to thank passengers moments after a jetliner lands, welcoming them to the destination point. 在全球范围内,飞机降落后,航班乘务员通常会利用飞机的公共广播系统向乘客表达感谢,欢迎他们到达目的地。
Any individual who discovers a valuable mineral deposit on public lands can obtain a mining claim for that deposit. The locater of the minerals acquires a possessory interest in the claim, which is a form of transferable property. 任何在公共上地上发现了有价值的矿藏的个人享有可转让的排他占有权。
It is illegal to remove or disturb archeological sites, historic sites, or artifacts such as pot sherds, arrowheads, structures, and even antique bottles found on public lands. 取走或干扰考古学的地点、历史遗迹或史前遗产,例如壶的碎片、弓箭、建筑物,甚至公共场所发现的古代的瓶子,都是不合法的。
On this public domain the government, as proprietor, can lease grazing, lands. 作为这块国有土地的所有者,政府可在该土地上出租牧地。
Thus, Congress may regulate for any public purpose concerning activities on public lands. 因此,国会为了任何公共目的,可以约束公共土地上的所有活动。
Lujan involved a Bureau of Land Management review of executive orders withdrawing many public lands from resource development. 卢汉一案涉及到土地管理局对从资源开发中撤出许多公共土地的行政命令的审查。
The Act protects all unbranded horses and burros on public lands from capture. 这个法令保护公共土地的所有野生马与毛驴免遭捕获。
In addition to limiting development of public lands themselves, preservation of these lands often requires restrictions on activities on private lands. 除了限制对公共土地的发展使用外,保护这些土地往往需要对私人土地上的活动加以限制。
Other public lands cannot be effectively used for their intended purposes without clean air and good visibility. 如果缺乏干净的空气和良好的明视度,其他公共土地也就不可能更好地利用。
D. protection of public lands 第四节保护公共土地
At many law schools, public lands and water law are also the subjects of separate courses. 在许多法律学校,公共土地和水资源法律也是分开讲授的课程。
Some oil lies under regions where drilling is forbidden, such as national parks or other public lands. 有些油坐落在不能开采的地方比如国家公园和其他公共土地。
It is less clear whether the property clause gives Congress regulatory power over private lands which adjoin public lands. 财产条款是否赋予国会管理临近公共土地的私人土地权力尚不清楚。
A government office where business relating to public lands is transacted. 政府里面处理与公共土地有关的事务的地方。
Applying the standard preemption analysis discussed in Part C of this chapter, the Court upheld a state law requiring a permit for mining on public lands. 运用本章第三节讨论的标准先占权分析法,法院支持州法律关于在公共土地上开矿的观点。
The government also makes or implements policy in its role as manager, especially through its administration of the public lands. 政府也以管理者的身份制定或执行政策,尤其通过其对公共土地的管理而起作用。
The rooms, which open to the public on November1st, bear the official and unwieldy name the New Galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, and Later South Asia. 这次展出于十一月一日对外开放,“阿拉伯世界,土耳其,伊朗,中亚及南亚最新艺术展”&这次展览的名字显得过于正式和呆板。
Kleppe involved the leasing of coal reserves on public lands to private mining companies. 克莱拍一案涉及到把公有土地上的煤矿资源租赁给一些私营矿产公司。
The public lands contain approximately 20% of the nation's commercial forest land, as well as large amounts of minerals such as copper, mercury, and nickel. 全国约20%的商业林地是公共土地,这些土地同时也蕴藏着大量的铜、汞、镍等矿产。
For example, preserving a water supply for public lands may be critical if they are to fulfill their purposes. 例如,为达到保护公共上地的目的,保护公共土地的水源可能就是十分重要的一环。
With respect to public lands, Congress has the full regulatory power which the state has with respect to its own lands. 就公共土地问题,国会具有州政府所拥有的全部土地管理权。
Of course, the public lands also have tremendous importance to conservationists. 当然,公共土地对环境保护主义者也极为重要。
Public places such as cultural, sports, entertainment and sightseeing sites, parks, public greenery lands, airports, stations and wharves shall be in the charge of the operating and managing units; 文化、体育、娱乐、游览、公园、公共绿地、机场、车站、码头等公共场所,由经营、管理单位负责;
There were examples of people occupying public squares and annexing the pavement next to their lands. 占用公共广场者以及侵占田地旁的人行道者,不乏其例。
That's why we've set aside more public lands and waters than any administration in history. 正因为如此,我们比历史上任何一届政府拨出的公用土地和水源都多。
This paper raised problems of current land requisition to be solved from five aspects of land allocation efficiency, equity warrant of farmers, public administration confidence, agriculture lands protection and safe rice supply of the country, and the concealed land market. 本文从土地资源配置效率、农民权益保障、政府公信力、耕地保护和粮食安全、土地隐形市场等五个方面分析了现行土地征用制度存在的亟待解决的问题;
Applying to the Southern public lands, the American Southern Homestead Act was issued in 1866. It was the result of a series of political, economic and military struggles. 美国南部宅地法颁布于1866年,实施范围是南部的公共土地。它是一系列政治、经济和军事斗争的结果。
It is a sensible means to establish farm land developing rights and give equal rights to the legal entities in terms of two types of public lands and their legal ownership for the lands. 建立农地发展权,赋予两种公有土地所有权主体平等的民事地位,赋予两种土地所有权平等的财产权能,也不失为一种途径和方式。
However, no matter what form it takes, to build a clean and efficient government is the key to improving the management of public lands. 但不管怎样,一个廉洁高效的政府对公有土地经营的监督、指导是十分重要的。
Again, the theory of public goods shows the premise of this research, which is the supply of public goods of government in the unit marginal cost is just equal to all the farmers 'households' marginal revenue when they returning rural lands. 再次,在公共物品理论中,政府对退地农户的公共物品的供给,单位边际成本刚好等于所有农户退出土地时所获得的土地退出边际收益,构成了本文的研究前提。